Saturday 24 September 2011

Arakelyan and The Forgotten Opera Singers Blog

From below one can only conclude that Arakelyan is an Anti-Semite.

This site was opened in August by one Ashot Arakelyan.  The purpose of the site is to publish short biographies of decesased and forgotten singers with pictures and list of records Arakelyan wants to sell.  It also has per singer a snippet of a recording.

Almost everything is copied from the site of Mr. Marcocci or Kutsch and Riemens but without mentionning the reference to show the origin, one has to assume,  that Arakelyan is really the author.

Pictures are also taken from other places without reference (Harmonie Autographs, Historical Tenors, University of Frankfurt, etc ...). 

Arakelyan announced this website all over the place, including Opera-L.  His posting on opera-L drew following answer from Bill Ecker:

A quick  note on this blog.  The fellow who runs this blog is using it to sell cd's of his record collection and makes no bones about it on the blog. Therefore, I believe his post goes against the rules and regulations of the list, as it is a commercial post.  He had also had poached about 30-40% of the photographs on his site from my business web-site and other sites where we are often asked to provide photographs and they had been given fair credit.  I wrote to him and asked him to give the photographs fair credit and if so told him he could continue using them.  I also told him that if he needed photographs in the future, for fair credit, we would be happy to provide them.  The e-mail I sent was explanatory and fair; <B>instead I received a hostile e-mail and he angrily removed the photographs</B>, which was his second option.....
He apparently is located in Russia and based upon my experience, caveat emptor.

The information copies the errors of Kutsch & Riemens as Arakelyan has no research abilities. The information on Pera, Galli Garulli Carasa, .. contain major errors.

I read some negative comments on his blog.  The were quickly removed by Arakelyan instead of answering.  Arrakelyn does not like any bad comments, his ego would not   allow it.

 In short do not trust all the information for any singer.  The information will give you an idea of the career of the singer. Also not providing a  complete recording of a singer is very cheap.  The main goal of this blog is to sell!!!
I noticed that on opera-sell announced that he was selling a CD of Oxilia and for the biographical information, he used a text from the website Historical Tenors with fair credit.  The CD was sold for $30.00.  This CD was given to him by the owner of Historical Tenors free of charge.  I sent him an email telling him that I would notify the owner of the website.  I received following email back:

FROM:Ashot Arakelyan
TO: Samuel Goldenstein
Monday, 5 September 2011 12:45 AM
Message Body
Yes fucking jew Samuel Goldenstein the dude is your fucken Mother, you don't like when I post something  you  sucker jew. Yes it's I post in other sites and groups and also in russian records mather fucker. Suck my dick. 

So Arakelyan is to regarded as a disturbed Internet nut. 
He is also befriended with a certain SAVT, who has a website on Soviet Tenors, who use the same research technique: copy from Russian sites and do not give fair credit to your sources.  It is more difficult to find it out with Igor as all sources are in Russian.  
I met SAVT also on opera-sell as he wanted me to copy 7 Paprocki LPs on CDs, in exchange he proposed material that I refuse because I had it.  Naturally I was called stupid.

 Arakelyan has no LPs, 78s, but only mp3 that he received free charge.  He is not to be trusted like his friend Igor.  They are both dishonest. 


  1. It is true my comments were erased from the Arakelyan Blog

  2. This guy looks like a real scumbag

  3. I will never buy anything from this crook.
